2017 Calgary Diocesan Convention

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The 95th Annual Catholic Women's League Convention for the Calgary Diocese was held on May 5th, 6th and 7th, 2017 at the Executive Royal Hotel, 2828 – 23rd Street NE, Calgary, Alberta.

During the Opening Ceremony at Corpus Christi Church, Bishop McGrattan emphasized that the CWL needs to continually look outward rather than inward. This is the call of the Holy Spirit at all times, but especially now, to witness to the social issues that challenge our Christian values and the dignity of the human person.

Dr Josephine Lombardi spoke movingly on the theme "Inspired by the Spirit, Women Respond to God's Call" with presentations on:

On Saturday morning, members enjoyed Judy Look's presentation on Three Cups of Tea. It was a good preparation for our business meeting.

OUR 2017-2019 EXECUTIVE:

Spiritual Advisor - Fr. Dominic Nguyen

President - Janet MacPhee

President Elect - Jan Myhre

Vice President - Marjorie Robinson

Secretary - Vacant

Treasurer - Jan Morel

Standing Committees: Lilia Hlavacek, Barbara Learmont, Angelena Schlachter, Bernice Thomas, Kathleen Winter

Past President - Sharon Malec