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Click on links (words in blue) to download documents:

For Presidents:

For Treasurers:

  • Guidelines for Treasurers
  • Monthly Treasurer's Report (Excel)
  • Expense Claim Form
    • Excel - enable editing, personalize it with your council's name, then save it to your computer
    • PDF
  • Treasurer Information
  • Regional Dues
  • Voluntary Fund Remittance Forms (for Word forms, right click to Open Link, click Download File, Open File, OK to View, OK to Enable Editing)
    • National Form: pdf  or Word
    • Alberta Mackenzie Provincial Form (Nickels for the North & March for Life are on the same form)pdf   or Word
      • Nickels for the North  
        This initiative was introduced at the Provincial Convention 2010 to support our CWL sisters in the Mackenzie-Fort Smith Diocese with their travel to conventions and workshops. Every council in Alberta Mackenzie is invited to consider working with the provincial council to raise funds to help CWL members in the Northwest Territories travel to CWL events. Please forward your donation with the remittance form above.
      • March for Life 
        The National March for Life is organized by Campaign Life Coalition. Pro-lifers rally in front of our Parliament building and march through downtown Ottawa, demanding that our political representatives fight for the right to life of every human being. In addition to the Ottawa event, many provinces also hold regional Marches for Life at their provincial legislatures. Source: https://marchforlife.ca
        The Voluntary fund to support "March for Life" was instituted at the 2019 Provincial Convention in Grande Prairie.
  • General Liability Insurance:  Liability insurance is necessary for parish councils to provide protection in the event of an accident. Premiums are only $0.50 per member and are collected from parish councils. When remitting per capita fees to national office, insurance premiums will also be collected. For parish councils that submit payments electronically, insurance premiums will be automatically withdrawn upon successful completion of an electronic per capita remittance.

    Enrollment in the parish liability insurance program is mandatory and parish councils must remit the premiums with their per capita fees. The League can keep premiums low by having all parish councils participate in the program.  Contact National Office for details on the policy coverage.


For Secretaries:

  • CWL Parish Council Roster Changes:

    • on-line format (fill in and submit from the website. A copy will be sent to the email address you provide)
    • Word or pdf formats can be requested from the Diocesan Secretary if you prefer to use them.


For Communications Chairs:

  • A Short Guide to Communications
  • If your Council is hosting an event to which other Councils and the general public is invited, please share that information by emailing the webmaster with the details or completing the Event Submission form so it can be added to the website events calendar. Email other news you want to share for posting on the Action page.


For Organization Chairs:

  • Diocesan Service Awards: Please submit the form by December 31st indicating all service awards presented by your council during the past year.
    • on-line format (fill in and submit from the website. A copy will be sent to the email address you provide.)
    • pdf (download and print)
    • Word (The fillable form is protected. If you see a yellow bar on the top of the screen when you open the document, click the boxes to enable editing and content)
  • New and renewed Member List Form
  • Per Capita Fees Remittance Form


For Faith Chairs:

  • January 15th is the deadline to report deceased members for the prior year’s Book of Life, but why wait? To ensure that no one is missed, promptly submit a notice of death through the online membership system; or email the completed Form for Reporting Deceased Members to National office, with a copy to the Diocesan Faith Chair at .


For all members:

Letter writing


National forms:

600 Series: Manuals

  • 601 Archive Guidelines for League History Download
  • 601B Archives Brochure  Download
  • 602 1990-2005 Supplement to League History Download
  • 603 Ceremonies Booklet Download
  • 604 Constitution & Bylaws Download
  • 605 CWL Prays Download
  • 606 Executive Handbook [Discontinued]
  • 607 Guide to Hosting Diocesan/Provincial Convention Download
  • 608 Guide to Hosting the Annual National Convention Download
  • 609 Guidelines for Treasurers Download
  • 610 Handbook for Vice Presidents Download
  • 611 Handbook for Past Presidents Download
  • 612 Handbook for Secretaries Download
  • 613 Handbook for Spiritual Advisors Download
  • 614 Handbook for Chairpersons of Faith, Service and Social Justice Download
  • 615 National Manual of Policy and Procedure Download
  • 615A National Manual of Policy and Procedure Revisions: (2023) Download
  • 616 President Handbook Download
  • 617 Parliamentary Procedure Download
  • 618 Resolutions Handbook Download
  • 619 Strategic Plan Booklet Download
  • 620 Resolutions Guide Download
  • 621 Welcome Program Download
  • 622 Calendar of Social Justice Events Download
  • 623 Embracing Diversity: Tools for Councils Use Download
  • 624 Catholic Social Teaching Resources Download
  • 625 Care for God’s Creation Resources Download
  • 625A Our Common Home: A Crash Course (PowerPoint, attachment 1) Download
  • 625B Our Common Home: Speaker’s notes Download
  • 626 Prayers and Spiritual Programs Download
  • 627 Faith, Service, Social Justice Brochure Download
  • 628 Prayer Service Planning Workshop Download
  • 628A Prayer Service Planning PowerPoint Download
  • 629 Dignity of Work and Rights of Workers ; Erratum Download
  • 630 The Joy of Leadership; Erratum Download
  • 631 Existing Programs and Courses on Catholic Social Teaching Download
  • 632 Life and Dignity of the Human Person Download
  • 633 Option for the Poor and Vulnerable Download
  • 634 Intergenerational Activity Program Download
  • 634A Intergenerational Activity Program (Appendix A) Download
  • 634B Intergenerational Activity Program (Appendix B) Download
  • 634C Intergenerational Activity Program (Appendix C) Download
  • 634D Intergenerational Activity Program (Appendix D) Download
  • 634E Intergenerational Activity Program (Appendix E) Download
  • 635 Actively Engaging New Members and Homebound Members Download
  • 636 Guide to Simplifying Meetings Download
  • 637 Toolkit for Service Download
  • 638 Community and Common Good Download
  • 639 Toolkit for Social Justice Download
  • 639A Toolkit for Social Justice (Printable Documents) Download
  • 640 Toolkit for Faith Download
  • 640A Toolkit for Faith (Printable Documents) Download
  • 640B Toolkit for Faith (Workshop PowerPoint) Download
  • 641 Call to Family, Community, and Participation and Subsidiarity Download
  • 642 Train the Trainer Guide Download
  • 643 Rights and Responsibilities Download
  • 644 Tools to Increase Connectedness Between Members Download
  • 645 Members Communication Guide Download
  • Catholic Girls League Admin Manual


300 Series: Promotional Material

  • 301 “For God and Canada” DVD Preview
  • 302 Gratitude Postcards Download
  • 303A Invitation Cards A Download
  • 303B Invitation Cards B Download
  • 304 Membership Poster Download
  • 305 pro-life brochure Download
  • 306 Share the Gifts of Faith poster Download
  • 307 video testimonial Download
  • 308 Welcome (Why Am I A Member) Brochure Download
  • 309 Woman on a Mission video View
  • 310 100th anniversary pin Preview
  • 311 Annulment Brochure Download
  • 312 National Bursary Fund brochure Download
  • 313 Welcome Program brochure Download
  • 314 Be a Bridge Through Generations postcard Download
  • 315 Be a Bridge Through Generations poster Download
  • 316 Many Cultures in Faith postcard Download
  • 317 Many Cultures in Faith poster Download
  • 318 Embracing Diversity graphic Download
  • 319 One Heart, One Vision graphic Download
  • 320 Sharing the Core Values postcard Download
  • 321 Sharing the Core Values poster Download
  • 322 Connecting all Generations postcard Download
  • 323 Connecting all Generations poster Download
  • 324 The Gratitude Project postcard Download
  • 325 What We Do bookmarks Download
  • 326 What We Do poster Download
  • 327 What We Do postcard Download
  • 328a Retreat Centres for Spiritual Development (bulletin) Download
  • 328b Retreat Centres for Spiritual Development (brochure) Download

Partner Promotions

  • 350 CNEWA brochure Download
  • 351 Coady brochure (under revision)
  • 352 D&P brochure Download

Theme Promotion


Catholic Women Unite Catholic women across the country talk about how the CWL unites them in a national sisterhood built around faith, service and social justice.

Parish Council Memos



The Canadian League magazine – a list of articles pertaining to each standing committee, as well as copies of individual articles, are available from national office.
Communiqués from national chairpersons are regularly posted on the League Web site: www.cwl.ca.
Ongoing resolutions are posted on the League Web site and are also available upon request from national office. Resolutions adopted at the annual national convention are published in the fall issue of The Canadian League magazine.

Current addresses for additional resources may be obtained from the chairperson at the next level.

Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB)
Telephone Toll-free: (800) 769-1147
Facsimile: (613) 241-5090
CCCB Publications Service 2500 Don Reid Dr.
Ottawa, ON K1H 2J2
Web site: www.cccbpublications.ca