Catch the Fire

Catch the Fire!

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WELCOME to “Catch the Fire”!  This very special, one day workshop was first rolled out following the National Convention of the Catholic Women’s League of Canada in Edmonton in August, 2012, and is aimed at all women of faith, both members & (as yet) nonmembers. Its goal is to provide basic information about the League in a way that is Fun and Faith-Filled.  The eight modules of the workshop use the metaphor of “fire”, such as Light the Match (Opening Prayer), Kindling (League Resources), and Wildfire (Sharing what you’ve learned).

Putting on a workshop is easy  (see Letter to Hosting Councils below). The cost is minimal, and is usually covered by a small registration fee, though funding is also available from National (see below) eg: for travel expenses for councils located outside the city of Calgary.

Workshop feedback has been positive:

  • Modules were short and to the point.  Very well organized.  Appreciated the variety eg: songs, humor, anecdotes.” 
  • I’m enthused to go outside of my comfort zone to invite others to join the CWL”
  • “Great ideas about recruiting.  Enjoyed ideas and activities to identify strengths of our sisters..”
  • “If this is what the fall workshop is like I will return each year…”
  • “The sincere faith that shone through the sharing”; “Singing like angels”; “Seeing and feeling our common faith”.  (How were you stirred today?)
  • “I learned that is important to “Pass the Flame”.  Be true to yourself.  Be who you are meant to be.”

PLEASE NOTE:  The Lethbridge workshop scheduled for March 21 has been rebooked for October 24, and we are not booking any new workshops for spring 2020.  We pray that you all stay well, and that Our Lady of Good Counsel may guide our nation through the coming months.  In the words of our dear National president Anne Gorman "God is good, ALL the time.  Find the good, and be confident of God's presence, and that all our prayers are answered."  - Denise & Gloria

Book your workshop for the fall: With advance notice we can be available most Saturdays and can do up to 2 workshops per month (preferably not on consecutive weekends) not including long weekends, holidays, and dates that conflict with diocesan events such as the fall workshop or Advent retreat. Contact us about hosting on one of the following weekends:


OCT 3,  31

NOV 7, 14, 21

DEC 5, 12

We Look forward to hearing from you!


ALL women, including non-members and those from other parishes, are invited to attend.

Having members from several councils attending a workshop always adds so much to the learning & fun, and it’s a great way for new councils to see what it might be like to bring a workshop to their own council. Gloria & Denise have a few things up their sleeves to try, so even if women have attended a workshop in the past, hopefully they will find something new…  

~ Gloria Lundberg & Denise Coutts (facilitators)

NATIONAL RESOURCES, including information on the National Development Fund, is available on the national website.  Click on “Resources”, then “Forms”. Make sure to review the guidelines before downloading the Application for Subsidy from the National Development Fund. Please contact our Diocesan CWL Treasurer if you wish assistance to apply for those funds.

SHREDDED BEEF ON A BUN – this delicious meal was served for lunch at the Catch the Fire Workshop in Lethbridge in October 2013.  Many thanks Mariane & Kathy for sharing the recipe.

Enhaced, Empowered, and Energized by the Fire of the Spirit.
The S’mores modules were developed after the “Catch the Fire” workshops left members yearning for “s’more”; each module is approximately one hour long, and can be presented either individually at a regular council or regional meeting, or all together as a full day workshop.  The entire workshop package is available on the National website, with descriptions of the various modules on pages 3 & 4; changes to reflect the  strategic planning developments (eg, as presented at the recent 2019 National Convention) will be ongoing. Contact your CTF faciliators for more information, or to book a presentation.
