See National communiques at

The Canadian League magazine

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According to the National Manual of Policy and Procedure the publication of The Canadian League magazine is directed by the editorial board consisting of the national chairperson of communications, national president and executive director. The chairperson of communications has the ultimate responsibility for magazine content. Submissions are subject to the approval of the editorial board and the availability of space in the magazine. Articles relating to a particular standing committee are subject to approval and/or editing by the specific national chairperson.

  • Names of councils celebrating 25, 50, 75, and every 5th anniversary beyond 75 years will be printed (pending verification and approval). When submitting this information, councils must submit the name and location of the council and its Charter date.
  • Names of members celebrating birthdays of 100 years and over will be printed pending verification and approval. These notices are published after the birthdate has occurred.
  • In the event of the death of a member of the current national executive or an honorary life member, an obituary and picture will be published; for life members, an obituary notice will be published.
  • Councils that have received authorization from the national executive for the production and sale of items bearing the CWL crest may submit a small advertisement describing the item. Such advertisements will be printed if space is available.

Councils that wish to submit an article should follow the style guidelines on Page 144.  Remember that publication is at the discretion of the editorial board and articles may be edited.

All submissions for publication in The Canadian League should be sent to:
CWL National Office, C-702 Scotland Ave., Winnipeg, MB R3M 1X5

(please use subject line: Article Submission for The Canadian League).

Deadlines dates for submission are listed in each issue of The Canadian League.

On the Spot, a designated page on, is a member-driven creative outlet that serves the purpose of spreading the good news of parish council events. See National Manual of Policy and Procedure: Media page 142 for submission details.